Season of Giving
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
We know it’s been a disheartening year. You are familiar with the yo-yo effect of every week. One day everything feels in control, and the next you’re (figuratively, or actually) coaxing yourself out of a ball in the corner of a dark closet. If this is you, our team can relate. Though we have tried, we have not found the magic potion to “poof” start 2020 all over. However, we have found that there is, in fact, a little magic in those things we can control. For us, that’s continuing to zealously serve our clients no matter the forum or conditions, that’s being there for each other as a team, and, importantly continually showing up for our community in the ways they need us.
To that end, in this season of Thanksgiving, our firm has pledged to provide monetary donations to the following non-profit organizations within the Month of November: Ronald McDonald House’s “Cooks for Kids” Program, The PACER Center, and Volunteer Lawyers Network. Our selections hold a special place in our team’s hearts, and provide a much-needed and much-in-need service to our local communities.
We say “THANK YOU", FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS, to “Cooks for Kids,” for providing kids and their family’s in the hospital over the holidays a hot meal, to the “ PACER Center” for continuing to provide needed resources to families with children with special needs, especially during a time when learning has been a challenge for all, and to “Volunteer Lawyers Network” for ensuring access to legal services for all, amidst a very trying year.